The Stories
From Mother to Daughter
I have given a key to my wonderful daughter. She is beautiful and amazing, both inside and outside. I am very proud of her. I want her to be confident and...
Read MoreStreet Style Therapy - Spreading Smiles
To understand this story, one must know a little about me. As a child, I was painfully shy, too sentimental, and would always be far too anxiety ridden to go...
Read MoreKeys For Family
I gave my Mother the key of STRENGTH because she is my rock, my strength. Throughout my life I have had to endure many scares that resulted in many surgeries...
Read MorePassing Strength Along
On December 25, 2012 (Christmas Day) I received my first ever giving key. It said Strength. I was given this key by my mom, I've been going through a rough...
Read MoreFearless In The Face Of Adversity
The first thing you should know about me is how incredibly close I am with my family. I am not only Italian, but from New Orleans and the mixture means...
Read MoreBelieving In Yourself
Hi, my name is Jimmy and my story began aroud this time last year. I stumbled upon "the Giving Keys" after hearing about it constantly through following the band Foster...
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