Passing Strength Along

On December 25, 2012 (Christmas Day) I received my first ever giving key. It said Strength. I was given this key by my mom, I've been going through a rough time with both my health and just staying strong in general. My key in this short amount of time became my security blanket, whenever I was feeling down I just looked down and I saw my strength hanging in front of me. On Wednesday January 9, 2013 my brother's best friend's brother was involved in a tragic car accident, and sadly did not make it. This hit many people hard because he was such an amazing, loving person, and him and his family all have made a lasting impact on so many peoples lives. Tonight was the first night I went to go pay my respects to the family. After being there for a few hours and hearing so many stories, and seeing all the love people had for this young man, I also saw the hurt inside his mothers eyes. So before we were saying our goodbyes I looked to my mom and told her, I know it's been short... but I want to give my key away. I wanted to give it to his mom. I wanted her to know that through it all, she will always be able to look down and have her strength with her, even on the days she feels like she doesn't have the strength in her, she will have it with her. My key served me very well, but I knew in my heart she needed it way more than I did. So I hope that her strength will pull through with her key, and I know it will serve her well.

- Hailee

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