The Stories

Brit Moore

Laura, My Amor

Her names Laura, she's amazing, beautiful, smart, short, kind, caring and lovable! We met in High School when I was a senior and she was a junior! She had a...

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Brit Moore

She is Loved

I am a teacher and a Young Life leader in Dallas, Texas. I purchased my giving keys hoping to connect and share the gospel with my students. I've been praying...

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Brit Moore

Don't Stop Believing!

Christmas 2012 I received my 'BELIEVE' key from my husband...I loved it so much I couldn't imagine parting with it! Soon after receiving it, my husband left me. My world...

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Brit Moore

The Courage Within

My story is not the most powerful, extraordinary or inspirational. But it's real, true and an excellent example of the simple power of paying it forward.  On my first travelling...

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Brit Moore

For My Daughter

Today, I gave my daughter Katy a giving key inscribed with "grateful" on it. Since it's Valentine's day, I was really at a loss of what to give my 16yr...

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Brit Moore

Choosing the Moment

I ordered my first Giving Key a few months back and chose "Grace" because it encompasses so much and is something we all need. I wore it around waiting for...

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