Stacy Osborn x The Giving Keys #Inspire

Stacy Osborn x The Giving Keys #Inspire

I have

Received a Giving Key

With the word


My Story

Neil and I have an almost 6 year long story now and on September 15th of this year, I’ll have a new last name :) We have been through so much. Our ups, our downs, but at the center of it all is something we can always count on... our undeniable love for one another.

What I love most about our love, is that it’s so giving. He’s my best teammate, my biggest cheerleader, and soon he will be my husband. Neil and I learned about the giving keys a few months ago, and were immediately such big fans of the idea and the mission of the company.

Given that the keys are meant to be given to another individual to pay it forward, he came up with the idea that we would purchase a key for one another with a word that we felt embodied the others strength. I thought that was such a cool twist! We kept our word choice a secret from one another until we received the keys in the mail.

The unveiling of the keys consisted of us explaining why we chose the world for each other and it was emotional and amazing! He chose “Inspire” for me and said that even though I may not realize it, I inspire more people than I think, and that most of all I inspire him. He said I inspire him to be a better person. For his word I chose “Courage”.

I chose this because I have seen Neil battle times in life where even the strongest would have waivered and yet my fiancé so courageously took hold of the situation and pressed forward with grace. He is the most humble and loyal human I know and if the world had half his courage we would all be living in a place where fear no longer takes hold of us.

We are so thankful to The Giving Keys for such a thoughtful and creative idea that has transformed into a movement. Thank you for choosing to be kind when it’s easier to be greedy and selfish. Your mission is full of love and we will always support your company! And one day when the right time comes along, our keys will belong to someone else and those keys will have a new story. I can’t wait for that day as well :)

Stacy Osborn

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