Remember to Stay Rooted in Faith

In the summer of 2015, I decided to transition from a safe career and take a risk to pursue a dream that I could not believe was opening in front of me. The dream entailed two part time jobs that were amazing opportunities. However, within one week's time, the rug was pulled out from under me, as I discovered that both jobs had emotionally toxic environments. My whole life felt uprooted and the foundations of my faith were shaken. The week that this happened a friend had purchased the Giving Key and knew the Lord would show her who needed it. I became the recipient of the key in October 2015. Last night I felt prompted to pass the key to a friend of mine who feels uprooted in her life and faith.


  • Mai Tye Martinez x The Giving Keys #Kind

    Mai Tye Martinez x The Giving Keys #Kind

    I have Gifted a Giving Key With the word KIND My Story I work at Starbucks & we were selling these & I REALLY wish we did again & I purchased...

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  • Mickenzie Haan x The Giving Keys #Love

    Mickenzie Haan x The Giving Keys #Love

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