Our Constant Reminders

I originally planned to purchase your Pay It Forward necklace set for myself and my best friend. However, since Mother's Day is around the corner, I changed my mind. My mom wears silver and my bff wears gold, so it worked perfectly to give them both away. I chose BREATHE for their word. My bff is planning an international wedding and her soon-to-be mother-in-law is a handful. My mother is currently helping with home healthcare for not only her mother, but her mother-in-law as well! My bff read the card and loves your mission. She put the necklace on immediately and let out a deep breath :)

For myself, I chose the word STRENGTH. My husband and I are recently separated, and I am preparing to move to my new apartment. Everyone keeps telling me I'm strong for what I am/have been going through, but I don't feel it. Now I will have a constant reminder that I have come through worse, and I will get through this! I do have STRENGTH and I am strong!


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    Emily x The Giving Keys #Strength

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  • Alistair Cran x The Giving Keys #Dream

    Alistair Cran x The Giving Keys #Dream

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