My three daughters gave me a Giving Key with the word LOVE on it for Mother's Day 2016. They are 12, 14, and 17 now.
This May, a dear friend's husband was tragically killed. I was wearing it when I went to see her shortly after her husband died. I thought about giving it to her but wanted to ask my girls. I went to each of them separately and asked if it was okay to give my necklace to my friend. They all immediately said yes!
I went back later that evening and took it off my neck and put it on hers. She wears it all the time and she doesn't even like necklaces.
I decided to get her 17-year-old daughter a necklace as well and chose the word BREATHE for her. She will need that as she navigates life without her loving father around her.
I love Giving Keys, your story, and all that you are. Thank you!