Mary Su x The Giving Keys #WordOfTheYear

Mary Su x The Giving Keys #WordOfTheYear

What word is on your key for 2023? What does it mean for you to carry this word with you into the new year? 

The word I chose on my key is BELIEVE. I chose this word because I tell myself constantly to believe.  Whether it is believing that I will reach my career goals, believing that I will one day own a home, or even believing that there will be world peace one day.  I love to see the good in all bad situations and I am a huge believer in putting good out into the universe and I will get back what I give.

In what ways will you be incorporating more CONNECTION in 2023?

Being able to come together with family and friends to spend quality time together.  For me personally, when I get together with my family and friends we reflect on our year (the good and the bad) and discuss our goals and how we can support each other to reach our goals.  Holding one another accountable is very important in my family.  There’s just something special about sharing your hopes and dreams with the people closest to you and knowing that you have the best support system.

Why do you think human connection is so important in the world today?

Human connection is important in the world today because I feel as a society we are extremely divided and have lost connection due to unfortunate events/circumstances.  With COVID, racism, and political differences…the world has been divided.  I find myself pulling back from human connection because I don’t want others to feel uncomfortable with my views on life.  These days I crave that connection with others especially now that I am a SAHM (stay-at-home mom).  I don’t have an outlet to the outside world and my only source is the online platforms I use to connect with like-minded people.

Tell us the story of how you have passed on your key or how you plan to pass it on.

As I stated above, I do my best to put good out into the world.  I use my social media platforms to spread happiness and positivity, hoping that people will believe that things will always work out the way it is intended to.  I love to be a source of positivity for my friends and family during times of need.  My goal is to pass the key onto my children because it is my responsibility as their Mother to be the source of light in their lives.  

Bio: My name is Mary Su and I am living the dream of being a stay-at-home mom to an adventurous 1-year-old boy. I am pursuing a degree in Early childhood Education in hopes of becoming a teacher. I have a wonderful husband who supports my career goals and has pushed me to pursue my passion from day one. I believe my life has a purpose and that purpose is to shape young minds to become our future leaders.
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