Two years ago on a whim, I bought myself a Giving Key. The message was LET GO. I’ve always had a particularly hard time letting things go. Someone once told me I’m married to my pain in a way. Pain has always been very prevalent & present in my life & it’s actually a space I sit in comfortably. It’s familiar.
I could feel my relationship of four years coming to an end & I was looking for ways to prompt myself to begin the process of letting go.
A few months after I got the giving key, my relationship ended. On very loving, good terms. But endings are painful anyways. I wore the key for about a year before I lost it for some time.
Another year passed & I stumbled across the key exactly when it seemed like I needed it. I found it a few months before I took a leap of faith & married my best friend. For me, letting go meant letting go of the fear of letting people in. Of being vulnerable & sharing the control of a relationship.
I love that key & it’s message so much I never actually thought I could bring myself to part with it. I’m a youthcare worker professionally, & one day one of my kids who has an incredibly difficult & painful past was dangerously suicidal. He was angry, hurt, & destructive. It took two hours of sitting with him & talking him through those feelings to get him to let go of that anger & just cry it out. I had a moment of clarity & knew that it was time to pass along the message because he needed it more than I did. So I took it off my own neck & gave it to him. He immediately started sobbing because he knows how much I love that necklace. I wore it everyday for as long as he’s known me.
It was that small gesture that calmed him enough to pause & reconsider wanting to take his own life.
He now identifies as a she & is in the process of recovery & growing into herself confidently.
Thank you for the messages that come with the Giving Keys! Thank you for the opportunity to connect with others & pass those messages along in times of need.