Kayla x The Giving Keys #Malta

Kayla x The Giving Keys #Malta

I have

Gifted a Giving Key

With the word


My Story

When I was eighteen I moved out of my parents house, started school, and began many new chapters; by the time Christmas had rolled around I was stuck in a mindset that I was waiting for everything. I was in a season of waiting, and I felt God testing my faith through that time.

That is why I bought both myself and my best friend giving keys with the word Malta on them; Malta is an island talked about in the Bible (Acts 27 and 28) where Paul and a multitude of prisoners find themselves shipwrecked after Paul warned them beforehand of what God told him.

That being said Paul was not afraid because He knew that no matter where He was God had said He would reach Rome to preach the gospel. So while they are in Malta and find themselves in good and bad situations, Paul knows his goal is Rome, and God is not finished in him.

This helped me remember that no matter where I am God is not done because I am not at my Rome. A year later, I am moving again, transferring to my dream school, and am a youth leader at my home church. I went to church camp at the beginning of July and found myself talking to a youth in the same place as I was when I got my key.

He was scared so I gave him my key and told him my story. He needed it more than I did; I still carry my word in my walk, but now maybe it can help him like it did me.


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