What inspires you to give?
When you realize you have so much! I have a supportive family, loving husband, wonderful friendships, a roof over my head, and food in my belly. It's when you realize that you have everything you need, you can easily give to others with less than you.
What words of encouragement do you want to give others this holiday season?
The holidays can be happy, stressful, and expensive! Remember what's important: to be around the people that love you! Have joy!
What word is on your key? What does it mean to you?
Create! It reminds me to create the life I want. Being creative is super important to me and that’s why I started a blog with my best friend!
Tell us the story of how you have passed on your key or how you plan to pass it on.
I have yet to pass on my key. I don't know why or who I will pass it on to, but I'll know when the time is right! I honestly can't wait for that moment.
Why do you want to help end homelessness this holiday?
A home is a place where memories are made, where people come to gather and celebrate. A safe, affordable home is exactly where we ALL deserve to be whether it's during the holidays or every other day of the year. Homelessness can happen to ANYONE, it doesn't discriminate. When the right systems are in place to support the homeless, like job creation, we can see more people being placed in permanent housing. Initiatives like the ones implemented at The Giving Keys help support this complex issue that most communities face.
I applaud their support for the homeless community by being more than just a bandaid solution, for being more and doing more.