Janice Owens x The Giving Keys #Courage

I have

Gifted a Giving Key

With the word


My Story

I found a Giving Key necklace in a pile of other jewelry behind a dumpster. The other jewelry (faux pearls, seashell necklace, chains, earrings) looked new, most had price tags, and appeared to have been stolen and stashed away; The retail origin of these items was impossible to discern as the price tags didn't have a store name nor did any businesses nearby carry such merchandise. I took a few things, the key stood out as interesting looking (no price tag attached to the key).

I later felt guilty. Maybe these were a homeless person's treasured possessions. But if stolen, is it wrong to steal from a thief? I looked up "giving keys" online and felt even more guilty; the person probably received the key as a gift, and it gave them hope during their homelessness. Gulp. I decided a week later to return the jewelry to where I found it. Well, the pile was gone.

I figured the best thing to do next was to pass the key along to a friend, whose loved one is battling cancer.

Janice Owens

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