I chose the word INSPIRE because I've always wanted to INSPIRE others to do good (just in general). To keep pressing forward against all odds, to lead by example. I have had this key on my keychain for over 3 years. It is a constant reminder when I'm not feeling spiritual to still be kind to others. I just today felt overwhelming inspiration to pass it on.
It is hard to put into words but I am going to do my best. I met a young lady in college and instantly felt a connection that I can't explain. Namaste is the best I can do. She is always smiling, always kind and never has anything bad to say about anyone or anything really. A true inspiration for me because I often fall short in those areas. I can always count on her to say something positive, give a compliment, make me laugh, speak knowledge through experience or make me smile simply by smiling herself. She's pretty rad all the way around the board. A true friend and a true inspiration not just to me but everyone around us!
Not sure if she sees that so I thought the INSPIRE key would be a great way to remind her daily just how awesome she is. Nothing but love, Jenny L.
"I Got You" thank you for being an awesome friend and a true inspiration.