Hope Lives In Her

I have a long-time friend, Meredith, who has been really going through it for the past seven years. When I purchased the Pay It Forward set, I honestly wasn't really sure who I was going to give it to. Then I had a long conversation with Meredith, and I immediately knew she needed Hope.

So, I sent along this necklace with a note quoting Lamentations 3:21, "Yet I still dare to hope."

Even though all this stuff had happened to her over the years, whether she brought it upon herself or not, I encouraged her to still have hope at the end of the day. I encouraged her to look toward the one day: one day when she's healed, one day when she has the dream job, one day when she has a family of her own, one day when she only looks forward and never back.

That one day is out there for her - hope lives in her.


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