Exodus‬ ‭14:14

At the beginning of 2017, God gave me the words BE STILL. I had been staying busy for the past 3 years after enduring a lot of loss in my life. I lost my mom to cancer in 2013, her sister (my aunt) to suicide 4 months later, and 2 years later my best friend lost her 16 year old daughter in a car accident. We were very close raising our kids together. This loss was devasting and knocked me into a tail spin. So after a year of trying to stay busy to keep from feeling the pain and working through the grief, I knew something had to give. I needed a year to rest and BE STILL and allow God to heal me. So I had a key custom made of my word to remind me to BE STILL. 

Throughout my journey this year, I have been reminded many times of how the Lord fights for me in my stillness. And it’s not about what I do that earns his love but who He is! 

So this past week, I was talking to a fellow worship leader in my church after our service and he was sharing about his struggle he had had with depression. He went on to share that he just found out last week that a girlfriend from several years ago had called him and told him when they were dating that she had gotten pregnant and lost the baby. So in his grief he was heartbroken of the loss and the what if’s of how his life might be different today. He sought the Lord and His wisdom in the situation and he felt God impresses on him to BE STILL and know that He is God and He is in control. That everything happens for a reason. As I sat and listened to him share his story, I felt the urge to gift him this key I was wearing around my neck. To pay forward the reminder of the promise God has for us in our stillness and our grief. It was very hard to give up because I loved what it represented and I loved it as a piece of jewelry. But I knew I had been obedient to God’s call and it was time to pass it on. I pray he will be blessed by the gift. 
“The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭14:14‬ ‭NIV


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