Erica McMahon x The Giving Keys #Hope

Erica McMahon x The Giving Keys #Hope

I have

Received a Giving Key

With the word


My Story

Six years ago for my beautiful mother’s birthday, I purchased her a giving key after meeting Caitlin at my college where she was the guest speaker. I chose the word hope for her because I felt that best embodies who she is. I told her the story behind the company and that she should pass it on when the time was right. Fast forward to today. Six years later.

My beautiful mother passed away after being diagnosed with an aggressive form of bone cancer. She was only 55 years young and i held her hand as she took her last breath. Nothing in life prepares you for a moment like that. Her memorial is this Saturday and as I was packing her things to donate or keep I found that key I gave her six years ago on her birthday.

Hope. She didn’t know then that her life would be cut short or that she didn’t have time to pass her key on. But she did didn’t she? She passed it on to me, her daughter who at only 26 years old will wear that Hope key. I’m thankful for a company that makes magic everyday. She will always be apart of my story and I have something tangible to show for it.

Erica McMahon

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