Emily Weians x The Giving Keys #Strength

Emily Weians x The Giving Keys #Strength

I have

Received a Giving Key

With the word


My Story

Two years ago, I was hospitalized with severe depression and an eating disorder. My life was flipped upside down from that point and it will never be the same again.

My sister, Samantha, and I didn't have a very good bond before then. She was developing depression and an eating disorder as a result from my situation so it made our relationship strained. When I was in the hospital, she gave me a key with the word "strength" on it.

This was the first time I had heard of this company. Now, I am happy to say that I am in a much better state being two years out of the hospital. My sister and I have become the closest we have ever been. We literally do everything together and I couldn't imagine my life without her.

She is my best friend and I tell her everything. However, Samantha hasn't been as lucky on her journey. She still struggles with battling her depression and eating disorder every day.

It has been so incredibly painful to witness her struggle so much with something that I was able to recover from pretty quickly. Every day, I worry about her and what she could do. This was especially bad back in March, around the time of her birthday.

When I was thinking of what to gift to her since I like meaningful gifts, my mom suggested the idea of giving her the key she had given me when I was in the hospital. At first, I wasn't too sure about it since it had a lot of sentimental value to me and I wore it all the time.

But, after giving it some thought, realized that she needed it more than I did at the time. So, I gifted it to her for her birthday. Although our journey's have been VERY different, this key shows the inseparable bond we have with each other and the word we would best associate with the past two years of our lives. (In the picture, I am on the right and Samantha is on the left).

Emily Weians


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