Just over a year ago, after going through a major life transition that included a divorce, a move across the country and a completely new start, a dear friend gave me the Continue Giving Key. She said, "You've been through so much, and you just continue to carry on, one foot, one day, one moment at a time.
Today, I was having coffee with a friend who is in the midst of a major life transition that included a move across the country and a completely new start. As she was in the midst of sharing how hard some days are, I reached for my key subconsciously, and said, "I know. Just know that I know."
And then I realized the key was in my hand, and I knew exactly who needed it next. I took it off my neck and handed it to her. "Continue," I said, "just keep continuing on. One day, one foot, one moment at a time."
She had tears in her eyes as she put it around her neck. "Thank you," she said, "You have know idea how much I needed this today. Because last week, I just didn't want to continue anymore. Today, I'm leaving excited about what this chapter has in store for me."
And then we both cried.