Building Courage Every Day

I actually bought myself a Giving Key bracelet with the word Courage on it. I was in a place in my marriage where no one knew what I was going through but myself. Literally no one. I had recently gifted one to a friend and thought I should do this for myself. I wore it for a few months and loved being able to look at my wrist to be reminded that I do have courage and that I can get through this. One day I was changing my clothes and my bracelet flew off my wrist. At first I was frustrated that it broke, but I was easily able to fix it. A week or so later, the same thing happened. I immediately thought to myself that maybe this was a sign. Maybe I'm ready to give my Key away. While this was happening, I had recently learned that one of my dearest friends was going through even tougher marital problems. She is one of the most kind, level-headed, smart, selfless, compassionate, beautiful people I know and for her to be going through what she was going through felt so unfair and made me feel like my problems were miniscule. We had a girls night and a lot of feelings were being shared. She looked down at my bracelet and she said, "That bracelet is gorgeous." I looked at her and said, "Ali, you need to have this." I took it off, put it on her wrist and told her the story of The Giving Keys, and that I knew that she needed it more than I did. There was irony in that we both needed courage in the same way, but it was so obvious to me in that moment that she needed it more than me. She is still wearing it today. I know someday she will gain the courage she needs to get through this time of her life. And when she does, I'm certain she will give it to someone from the bottom of her heart. I pray she is building her courage every day. Thank you.


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