Athina Baglas x The Giving Keys #Love

Athina Baglas x The Giving Keys #Love

I have

Received a Giving Key

With the word


My Story

When I was young I was depressed and lonely. I didn’t understand my purpose in the world. I followed the wrong group of kids, who partied and got high. I had bad influences and struggled in life. When covid hit in 2020 I started to fall into a dark whole. I just lived life for fun and didn’t care about the consequences. When stuff started to open up again a few friends from my school started inviting me to workouts.

I found some pretty cool people who cared about my health and well-being. I learned how to eat healthier and lift weights. Everybody at this gym invited me to a youth group. At first I didn’t wanna go but seeing how kind and loving these people were I decided to give it a shot. The community at this youth group became my family. I’ve never met such amazing and loving people. I learned how God can really change your life. I decided to get baptized on August 23, 2020. I started following God and see where he takes me.

God has helped me grow and move on from the past. He has changed my life for the better and shown me what true love is. My mentor Kiahley has give me my key a few weeks ago, the word love is engraved on it. This key helped me remember that Gods love is what brought me to where I am now. My goal is to share to others about Gods love, and what God does In people’s lives.

Athina Baglas

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