Yesterday I started a weight loss drink. But, the thing is my size 2 pants are baggy and my XS shirts are loose as well. I felt dizzy all day. In fact, at one point thought to myself, "I probably shouldn't be driving because I can't think clearly".
That afternoon I did my annual Christmas shopping with my sisters and grandmother. Everything I tried on was loose. In my head I knew how crazy my thinking was, yet I continued. I would stare back at myself in the dressing room mirror knowing I didn't fill out the dress the way my husband desired, but, skinny is in right? Even if I was to gain weight it wouldn't be in the right areas like all the beautiful Hollywood women.
On my way home from the mall my head continued to spin as I refilled my bottle with the concoction.
When I arrived home there was a package on the kitchen table. My husband informed me it was my Christmas gift from his sister. She had been contacting him all week and he proceeded to tell me how excited she was for me to receive it.
I opened my first Giving Key from my sister in law who picked the word, Beautiful.
Floored by the gift, the timing and meaning behind it all, I confessed to my husband what had been going on that day, and every day it seemed since I can remember. I told of the demons inside that continued to speak lies, that I have over the years I have taken as truth.
Graciously I was loved, accepted and supported. The ingredients for the drink were poured down the sink, tears were shed, past hurts were shared and new memories were made. A beginning to believe truth has begun.
Less than 24 hours later I sit at my desk with my Giving Key and cup of coffee (that I added half and half with 2 sugars to) and am overflowing with thanksgiving. Thank you for having such an impactful company.