She is Known

A dear friend gave me a gift card to The Giving Keys and almost immediately I knew that I'd be giving this key away very soon. So I prayed about the word the key should carry and it was very clear: ACCEPTED. 

Shortly after it arrived and I began wearing it, I went to a very unique prayer conference in a small town not too far from where I live. The church that puts on the conference places all the conference attendees with host families. My host home was this amazing family that not only has 6 kids of their own, but they also had 2 extra kids staying with them while I was there through an agency that temporarily houses moms and their kids in safe homes while they are getting out of dangerous living situations. The 2 children they had living with them were a sister and a brother, the girl being older elementary age and the boy was a sweet, chubby toddler. As loving and kind as the host family was, the little boy was mostly only able to be comforted by his sister. She seemed older than her years and while strong, you could tell she had questions about her worth behind her dark eyes.

On the last day of the conference, with the host mom's permission, I pulled the sister aside before I left. I took off my Giving Key necklace and explained to her about why I was wearing it and how I'm supposed to give it away to someone who needs the word on the key. I told her that she was ACCEPTED by a Father in heaven that created her, knows her, and deeply loves her. ACCEPTED by a father that will never leave her or forsake her. For a moment, the rejections she'd faced probably all her life seemed to fall off of her shoulders. I asked her if she would wear the key to remember that. She said yes. I hugged her and told her I'd be praying for her. 

She might need that key for a long time. But I hope when she finally gives it away it's easy for her to pass it on because of how utterly confident she will be in the knowledge that she is known, loved and ACCEPTED.
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