I came across The Giving Keys on Instagram one day. I had always wanted to purchase one but it wasn't until 6 months later that I finally found a word I needed to carry with me daily. I bought a key that said Grace as a reminder that giving grace to others is what is right even when it isnt always what I want.
I knew giving the key away would be hard because I needed the message myself so badly, and coming across Grace is a hard thing, but this past month I volunteered at Camp with an organization called Young Life. One night a girl named Krista was asked to share her story, she started by telling us she didn't want to do it but she did it for us. She told the group of volunteers how she had been raped a few years ago and the way she had coped with it.
In that room of 50 people I felt like Krista was talking directly towards me, I had gone through similar to what she had and had been hiding in that struggle this past year. Krista set a perfect example of Grace that night and sharing her story for the sake of others. A few days later I gave Krista my key and when I returned home I replaced it with a key that says "let go" as a reminder to let go of the past and what happened.
By carrying these words around my neck for so long then giving them away to people who deserve them, I thank The Giving Keys for being more than a company full of grace but becoming a huge support and part of my own healing process.