I am able to get him there, unload and assemble his scooter, get him inside and then leave to give him the privacy he needs to relearn to use his muscles. I am happy to do whatever I can, of course. In the process of dropping him off I have had a chance to meet another mom who is there with her teenaged daughter. This woman is always friendly and has commented on how inspiring my son's positive attitude is. She watched me tear up the first time I saw the therapist working to get my son out of his scooter and offered a much needed hug. I only know her first name, Laura.
Yesterday Laura approached me as I was heading out and presented my with a key. It says "Believe" on it. She explained that this was for me for all I was going through. Not my son but me! I was floored. She told me that she prays for me because as a mom she knows that even though it is my son with MS I am also on a long journey. She said she remembers me saying the first time we spoke that I would trade places with him in an instant. I had never heard of Giving Keys and as she explained it I knew that this gift was something really really special.
I have had this key around my neck since and plan to keep it there. I do "Believe" that people come into our lives for a reason and I know I will pass this on to someone in need someday.
Thank you for all you have done for me and everyone.