For My Best Friend, Jenna

I got a "strength" key for my best friend of nineteen years for her 21st birthday. She's been having a rough few months and feels like she's at a stand still in her life with no idea of where to go yet. She truly is the strongest person I know and I know she'll get through this. The key has another meaning. I chose the word "strength" for her because we have the strongest friendship. She's always there for me no matter what. I've known her pretty much all my life. She's my family and I love her so much. I don't know what I would do without her. She deserves a birthday gift that's as amazing as she is, that's why I chose the giving keys. I have the best friend a girl could ever ask for. She's so strong and continues to inspire me every day. Happy birthday, Jenna. I love you so very much.

Love, Sarah
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