Inspired to Give

I have a friend that I don't see very often. Actually, I haven't seen her in years. We live in the same city, but in the last few years she has preferred to remain hidden behind a computer and do amazing acts of kindness from her home. She is the most giving person I have ever met. She started a charity to provide newborns with car seats and other essentials they need when their family can't afford them and it has spread to many hospitals in BC, so now all babies that need a new car seat go home with one. She is always the first one to step up and help someone in need. There are so many stories I can think of where she made a huge difference in someone's life. The amazing part is that she doesn't just give the necessities, she gives to them everything they need and more with such generosity and kindness. Today she came to see the Giving Gifts ( Pop-Up Shop on Main St. in Vancouver. I was so thrilled to see her and knew right away that I had to give her a Giving Key. The word I chose was INSPIRE. She constantly inspires me to make a difference and give. She is the most giving person I know and a model for me to strive for. Through Giving Gifts, I am thrilled that I have the opportunity to sell amazing gifts that give. I hope that one day I am able to inspire someone in the same way that my friend has inspired me.


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    Tina Sebastian x The Giving Keys #Strength

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    Abi’ x The Giving Keys #Grace

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