Breathe and Break the Silence

I gave my key to my sister (in-law), @Nicole_Bromley. I gave her the key because not only does she give of herself to her husband and her two young sons, but she also pours into countless women and men around the world. Because Nicole was empowered to break the silence of being abused by her step father for years, she is now a messenger of hope and healing to others who have suffered abuse. 
The key I passed on to Nicole says "BREATHE". Without breath we can not survive. I am so amazed at how God has breathed transforming life into Nicole. The reality is, the pain and shame of abuse leaves deep, penetrating scars that often result in a hush over one's life. Healing and wholeness may never seem attainable. By breaking the silence, Nicole has found that although the trauma she suffered impacted her identity, it does not define her. Through God's grace she has experienced true healing and wholeness that would have otherwise seemed elusive.
Nicole is a survivor, founder of "OneVoice Enterprises", professional speaker and author of the books "Hush" and "Breathe". Out of surviving her life experiences has overflowed the crucial work of encouraging all who have suffered at the hands of an abuser to break the silence. Breaking the silence is the only way to begin the journey toward healing and restoration. 
For those like myself who are friends, loved ones and caregivers of victims of abuse, Nicole has been teaching me what it means to support, love and care for people in my life who have taken the risk to break the silence. Over the several years I have known Nicole, she has been encouraging me to be the means to help survivors on their journey toward restoration and BREATHE the fresh, life-giving air of hope, help and healing. 
Thank you Nicole!

- Rachel

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