This Too Shall Pass

For Christmas 2011, I received a key from my cousin with the word strength engraved on it. My cousin Alicia gave me this key as a reminder for every day I wake up that I am strong, and if there are days that I wake up not believing, that there are others out there that see the strength in me when I do not. I believe it is my time to pass this key along to someone who also possesses strength but who also needs reassurance in what I see in her on the days she may not see strength in herself.

Dianna is one of my closest, dearest friends who I have known for several years. She has stuck by my side through all of my rough times, as have I through hers. Dianna has impacted my life more than she will ever know. 
I give her this strength key for a few reasons. 
Dianna is a mother of a two year old beautiful girl named Kyla Rose, like my cousin mentioned in my letter, naturally any mother needs strength every once in a while. Recently new to the single mother life I know strength is literally key for her to get through everyday with a smile. 
Dianna has unfortunately endured more than any 25 year old should. On January 6th 2012 Dianna was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and her life completely changed. Diana has fought strong everyday for not only herself but for Kyla. Waking up every morning to continue to battle, believe and constantly have a positive outlook on the path and life the Lord has given her is the COMPLETE meaning of strength to me.

Dee- Please take this key as a reminder to keep fighting strong. There WILL be a victory to this battle. Keep the faith in yourself and also in the big man upstairs. Within strength you can overpower anything no matter physical or mental. You are more than my best friend, you are my inspiration. You have changed the way I live day in and day out, and are the strongest willed person I know. I love you to the moon and back. 

- Kelsey Krusmark

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