My Unbroken Key

I’ve had my key for about 2 months now and on Sunday I will be passing it on to an amazing person who inspires me every single day. Her name is Casey Fitzsimmons. On June 22nd, 2012 I went to my third Demi Lovato concert. During the show, Demi sang My Love is Like A Star. Before starting the song she said “This song is for my new friend Casey and her sister Rachel. At the time, I didn’t know how special that moment would be for her. When I got home, I realized I had been following Casey on Tumblr for a few months without even knowing who she was. I just knew we both shared a love of Demi. But from there I found out about her beautiful sister who had died. She told Demi her story and when she sang the song she pointed to Casey and said “you know that SHE’s always there.” So through tumblr we began talking and I watched her inspire people everyday. So many young kids come to Casey, asking her questions on how to stop cutting or how to deal with their eating disorders or depression. Casey herself has been through some issues of her own, but she takes the time out of her day to help these individuals in anyway that she can. From there, we became facebook friends and got to know each other a little better. This Sunday, I get to meet her in person at my fourth Demi concert in Camden. I am so excited to give her a hug and thank her for all the times she personally helped me through hard times. I can’t wait to meet her on Sunday and give her this key. She has inspired me and so many others and she deserves it more then anyone I know. She is UNBROKEN. <3 

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