Incredible Strength

I received the Strength key as a Christmas gift from my daughter. I was so touched when she told me that I was the strongest person she knows. I will treasure her gift forever. I have been praying about who to give this key to and immediately my friend, Kris, came to mind. Kris has had a very difficult year, especially with the death of her young son Christopher. Kris has shown incredible strength in the way she had walked since the tradegy. As a matter of face, Kris has always shown such strength in the way she lives her life. She would be the first to attribute her strength as coming from the Lord. Her faith, compassion and her strength in the Lord is an inspiration to me. I know she will continue to need strength from the Lord as she continues to deal with the death of her son, and I pray that God will continue to give it to her. Love you Kris. 

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