The Light of Hope

I placed my order for a key a few weeks ago and chose the word HOPE on my key. I received my key last Friday. On Saturday I sat down with one of my friends and they expressed to me some trouble they are with the ex. I offered to be available to listen and offer my moral support. On Sunday I texted her to see how she was holding up. She was having a really hard time and I did my best to encourage her. At that point I felt like the key I just received I needed to give to her. On Monday I wrote her a note explaining how The Giving Key works and some few words of encouragement about HOPE. On Tuesday I checked in with her again and she let me know she had just had a run in with her ex and it was horrible and she was having a bad morning from it. I did my best to offer some advice and to focus on something positive. She remembered the Giving Key I gave her and it helped her to change her morning around. While everything is still on going the Giving Key has already made a difference
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