Cure to Live

I order your necklace in the thought of my friend Daniela Brunini, Breathe is one of the slogan for CF and my friend Daniela has CF. She isn’t doing very good she just had surgery and she has tons of blood transfusions as well. She got a new heart in Jan of 2011 and her body has not rejected it yet…that is good news. Lately she has had a lot of trouble breathing so I thought I would give the necklace to her with the saying “Breathe” in hoping the lord will hear her prays and give her the strength to breathe…She needs a Miracle.I hope her wish to come to America and get new lungs come true. Please Lord Hear Daniela’s prays. If anyone would like to Follow Daniela for support please do so Her twitter is @Kruemelfrost please follow @CureToLive for support too <3
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