This year I have decided to give my best friend a key with the word courage. She is dealing with making a lot of life changing decisions, and I hope that this will remind her to have the courage to make the decisions she knows are best for her. I also hope that after years of dispute with her dad, that she finally have the courage to tell him how much he hurt her. She wants him to be the one to do the talking, but I just don’t see that happening. I hope she can find the courage within herself to be able to confront him. He needs to know, and I hope she will be surprised by his reaction. I wish she could have a good relationship with her dad, because I didn’t have a good one with mine. So I will pray that she finds the courage to finally accept his apologies and let him in again.
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Tina Sebastian x The Giving Keys #Strength
I have Received a Giving Key With the word STRENGTH My Story I was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor in January of 2018. Living with this mass on the...
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Abi’ x The Giving Keys #Grace
I have Gifted a Giving Key With the word GRACE My Story I was leaving for a getaway for the first time in 11 years with my, new graduate from...
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