I bought the BELIEVE key in Oxford, MS, because I loved the Giving Key movement and that fact that my son's name is Eli.
Eli was born premature and had some developmental delays that postponed his speech. Even though family and friends were quick to label him with various syndromes, I knew Eli would talk in his own time - but the wait was tortuous for him as well as me. When Eli did begin to speak, he could already read, and one of the first words he said to me was "Believe" because, "Mom, it has my name in it...bELIeve".
So, BELIEVE is my mantra, my faith, my encouragement to others.
I've enjoyed wearing the necklace. Sharing my story.
Last week a dear friend was served divorce papers, after 18 years. The realization was heady, is daunting. While talking, she looked down to my necklace and asked about it...
Thank you for this gift of giving back.
Indeed, it is through giving that we enrich and enhance both our own lives and the lives of others.