God Wanted Me To Give The Key Away
For a while I had been wanting a Giving Key with the word Hope on it. My husband and I have struggled for over five years with infertility and God had spoken to me about staying in a place of Hope. Well for Christmas my husband surprised me with a key and I was so excited. My husband said that even though the concept of the Giving Key was to one day give it away to someone he wanted me to keep it. Since I had the key, whenever I was discouraged or lost hope I would hold onto it and just thank God for the Hope He gives and promised. Well recently I found out a friend of mine was diagnosed with a life threatening brain condition. I went to go pray with her and I asked the Lord to help me speak His truth and He told me she needed Hope. I felt as though He was saying give her the key of Hope. I prayed a little more as I was worshiping to some worship music and the guy started singing about Hope. I knew that God wanted me to give the key away. I called my husband and told him my plans and he said to do what God was saying to do. I went to go pray with my friend and I told her what God was telling me and I gave her the necklace. She is a strong person and I have not seen her cry before but when I gave her the necklace she started crying and said it was just what she needed. I am believing for her healing and praying for Hope to be released in her.