Putting Down New Roots

Tana Korosec is a courageous woman!

We became friends fast and furious in the recent years through our parenting journey and our children. In very little time, Tana would be forever etched into my heart and a life-changing kind of friend. She's an amazing friend, mother, and wife and inspires me to live deeply. She's a rare gem and a safe, nurturing place for me. We share a unique space for friendship, encouragement, support, and non-judgmental unconditional love. I'm blessed to know her!

Tana is moving across country in two days and I will miss her dearly! I give her the COURAGE key because it takes great courage to uproot your family from all you know and love and start over. It takes a courageous woman to do this not once, but several times and make a new home upon landing. Missing her goes without saying! I'll be praying that God will go ahead of her and her family and reveal all the blessings He has in store for them. It takes courage to where God leads and what a faithful servant she is. I hope everyone has an opportunity to experience a rare, unique friendship like ours. Be brave my friend!



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