A little over a year and a half ago in December of 2012 I met the most amazing man online. You made me feel like I had a purpose in life after going thru a rough time. I battled depression for about 2 years and was alone with many walls up because I trusted no one. Day by day you broke them down. I had doubts at times but when we talked you made me feel like everything would be ok and I started trusting you. You made me BELIEVE that not everyone is going to hurt me. You also have problems of your own but yet you took the time everyday for a year and a half to say Good Morning Sunshine and put a smile on my face. On July 18th, 2014 we met for the first time and you're everything and more. I could never ask for a better friend. I gave you the Believe key when we met to thank you for Believing in me and for being the person you are. You're amazing. You were there for me on good days and bad no matter what you were dealing with in your own life. I want you to Believe that you are a wonderful unselfish man that deserves the best in life and to Believe that no matter what you're going thru, everything will be alright. I will continue to be there for you everyday like you have been for me. Skies the limit.
Friends Forever, Sunshine