Just Let Go

I am the youth director and a preacher at my church. We just got finished having a week long revival, which I was greatly anticipating. The week before, I was feeling very low, my heart was burdened about my church. During the week before the revival, I kept repeating two simple words that God showed to me. LET GO.

I kept thinking how we all need to let go of our troubles and our past, and move on in our future, and our relationship with God. During the revival, everything was going great, and I once again felt restored. Except for one night, things went very wrong, and all of a sudden it felt like my world once again was crashing down. That night into the next day, my heart was so heavy with how the night before unfolded, as well as how much of an impact it had on our pastor. That's when God showed me that I needed to preach, and soon.

The next day, I spoke with our pastor, who was still very upset over the previous night, and I told him everything was going to be okay. That night, when our pastor was about to introduce the visiting preacher, I stood up, and preached instead. This was very unexpected, even for me, to have preached a revival before... EVER. The message i preached was LET GO.

The next Sunday, the pastor's son, who is a great young man, just like a brother to me gave me a gift like I never would have imagined. It was a key necklace. On one side of the key, were the two simple words LET GO. It is my prayer to anyone who reads this to LET GO of EVERY thing that is weighing you down in life. The troubles you might be facing, events from your past, any kind of hurt you might have been dealt from someone. Just let go, and give it to God. He is the only one who can take away these burdens, and if you do, you will find your life will be filled with great joy and peace, and you will have a better relationship with others, but most importantly... with GOD.

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